Sunday, January 13, 2013

Three Stages of Love: Lust

Three Stages of Love: Lust
by T. C. Anthony
Published by CreateSpace
194 pages
Genre: erotica; romance
Thanks to NetGalley for the preview
4 / 5 cupcakes

I liked this book a lot, even if I wanted to smack the main character senseless.

Eva is a young career woman, very determined and very ambitious. She fully believes that she will rule the world some day, and the last thing she's interested in is a man who will get in her way. One drunken night, she meets one who immediately captivates her. She makes a move, but he is a gentleman; she's drunk, and so he declines.

Naturally, she runs in to him again. Naturally, he becomes her new boss.

Alex is a stud, ladies. He is gorgeous, rich, intelligent, loving, caring and good in bed. Oh my, is he good. He and Eva have no problem scorching up the sheets. He allows her to unleash her inner vixen, and she provides him with a muse of sorts.

But of course, there are Issues.

Eva's ambition, for one thing, causes some problems. She wants her career, something she worked hard to gain and she does not want to sacrifice it for love, of all things. Alex, on the other hand, wants the big L word. He professes it to Eva and cautions her that she is about to lose out on something amazing.

Can Eva crawl out of her own butt long enough to see that Alex is right? And that he's good for her?

This is an entertaining book, even with Eva. The sexy times are HOT, and you will not believe that Eva can withstand them. As much as she annoys me - and she does annoy me - I kept on reading, if for no other reason than Alex. I liked that the roles were switched: she is career-driven, while he wants love and a relationship.

Given that this is the first in a series, you know it will end with things unsettled. And it does. I want to know what happens next in Eva and Alex's relationship, and I kind of hope that Alex finds someone more worthy of him. Then again, there is potential in Eva. If she can grow up and let go of her own insecurities, she might be okay.

If you're looking for some hot headboard rockin', this is a good one. It has the added bonus of interesting characters and a decent story.

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